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Ankieta PBU in numbers2_sewage projects' map

Information on the number of submitted concept notes

30 / 01 / 2017
Category: Programme News

Within the first call for proposals of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 there were 745 received concept notes (as of 25/01/2017). The total value of submitted projects amounts to over 1.2 billion euro while the total value of requested co-financing is above 1.1 billion euro which means it is 14 times bigger than the allocation of funds for this call for proposals. More than 2300 organisations from three countries declared being ready to implement the projects.

The concept notes are being assessed at the present moment. Concept notes submitted within the thematic objective Heritage and Security are being verified in the first place. The results should be known in the end of March when the authors of the best concept notes will be invited to submit the full application forms. The results of the evaluation of concept notes from thematic objectives Accessibility and Borders will be known by the end of May.

Detailed information on the lead beneficiaries, number of concept notes from each priority, number of beneficiaries from all the regions etc. is illustrated by the graphs below.

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