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International Scientific Conference

19 / 11 / 2018
Category: Programme News

For the second time we had organized International Scientific Conference. This year conference entitled “Cross-border heritage as a basis of Polish-Belarusian-Ukrainian cooperation” was held under the honorary patronage of the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki  on 15-16 November in Ivano-Frankivsk. The co-organizer was Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

During the plenary session and discussions within three groups scientists from Poland, Belarus and Ukraine had the opportunity to discuss one of the Programme Thematic Objective - heritage. They presented their views on topics important for the Programme:
1. Conservation of natural heritage across borders
2. Promotion of immaterial cultural heritage
3. Heritage as an opportunity for mutual development

The conference gave the ability to establish contacts, share experiences, good practices and knowledge. Summarizing  the substantive part of the conference, director of the Center of European Projects, Leszek Buller expressed his thanks to  the gathered scientists for sharing the analysis and conclusions from the research, which bring a new look at the aspects of cross-border cooperation that practitioners may not notice. He stressed that thanks to the Programme, border regions are developing, and thanks to such conferences, interpersonal relations, very important for cooperation, are additionally built. 


International Scientific Conference

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