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State of play with Concept Note assessment

07 / 03 / 2017
Category: Programme News

We would like to inform you that the Joint Technical Secretariat is currently finalising the assessment of the concept notes submitted within the Thematic Objectives Heritage and Security. The results of the CN assessment will be discussed and approved by the Project Selection Committee which will meet in Warsaw on March 14-15. After the PSC meeting, the applicants will receive the written information on the assessment results. The outcomes shall be also published on the Programme website. At the same time, the successful applicants will be invited to submit the full application forms not later than by end of May 2017.

The assessment results of the CN submitted within the Thematic Objectives Accessibility and Borders will be approved by the Project Selection Committee in late May.

Rules of Procedure of the Project Selection Committee for the ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020

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