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Ankieta PBU in numbers2_sewage projects' map

Project of the week - SVITYAZ

26 / 02 / 2019
Category: Project News

We are pleased to inform you that this week on the website and FB fanpage of the Programme we start the cycle the "Project of the week". In this cycle we will present the projects selected out of all co-funded by the Programme, which already started the specific activities forseen in the grant contracts.

One of the direct award Large Infrastructure Projects co-funded under the Thematic Objective SECURITY is the project " Improvement of the environment within the Shatsk National Natural Park by building sewer systems in rural settlements around Lake Svityaz" (acronym SVITYAZ). The leader of the project is the Shatsk District State Administration of Volyn Region and its partner on the Polish side the Włodawa Commune.

The project SVITYAZ is the answer to the need to reduce environmental pollution within the Shatsk National Natural Park. The overall objective of the project is to prevent the spread of human an animal deceases in Volyn Oblast (Ukraine) and Lublin Voivodeship (Poland). As part of the project, nearly 100 km of a new sewerage network will be built and sewage treatment plants in adjacent to the Lake Svityaz villages and towns.

Thanks to the implementation of the project, on its area, the flow of polluted sewage to subsoil waters will decrease by 80%, which will reduce the pollution of the Shatsk National Natural Park lakes and basins of the Western Bug and Prypiat. In addition, the state of drinking water in this region will improve significantly. The creation of the sewage treatment plant will also be an impulse for the development of the region's tourism industry.

The project has been implemented since August 31, 2018. Permission on building works implementing of all objects within the Project frames was received on December 11, 2018. Since then, the pressure collector of household sewage from sanatorium “Lisova Pisnya” with connecting to household sewage system of Melnyky village to wastewater treatment plant of Shatsk urban village were built and also more than 6 km of gravity collector in Duga plot of land were constructed. Furthermore, pits and switching cameras were arranged. Additional agreements regarding working projects for 2019 were concluded with the Contractor. According to the grant contract, the SVITYAZ project should be completed within 24 months.

On the 19th of February this year, in Svytyaz village a launching conference of the project took place. It was attended by the representatives of both project partners from Ukraine and Poland as well as the representatives of local and regional authorities and media. The presentations and discussions during the conference were focused inter alia on the unique natural values of Shatsk National Natural Park and prospects of its preservation under the project.

project card



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