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First decisions regarding projects from Security on the borderland between Poland, Belarus and Ukraine

15 / 03 / 2017
Category: Programme News

The Project Selection Committee of the CBC Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 held a meeting in Warsaw on the 15th March and assessed 248 concept notes submitted within the Thematic Objective Security during the first call for proposals. The representatives of the central and regional authorities from all three countries taking part in the Committee recommended all positively assessed concept notes, i.e. 172 projects, to take part in the second stage of the call.

The total requested co-financing of all projects invited to the next stage of the call amounts to over 291 million EUR. The deadline for submission of the Full Application Forms will be until the end of June 2017.

At the same time, taking into account a huge number of proposals regarding safety and security, health protection and social services as well as their high quality, the Joint Monitoring Committee of the Programme decided on the maximal increase of the available funds within this call – from 14,5 M EUR up to 29 M EUR.

List of projects invited for submission of Full Application Form

List of rejected projects


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