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School competition within the European Cooperation Day - ECDay 2017

17 / 03 / 2017
Category: Programme News

Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 invites schools from the eligible area of the Programme to take part in the cross-border competition for schools “Let’s Preserve the Cultural Heritage Together!” within the ECDay 2017. The idea of the competition is to show the cultural diversity of the cross-border regions and present the creativity of the young generations.

The schools from the following area can take part in the competition:

in Poland:

-Podlaskie voivodeship,

-Mazowieckie voivodeship,

-Lubelskie voivodeship,

-Podkarpackie voivodeship;

in Belarus:

-Grodno oblast,

-Brest oblast,

-Minsk oblast,

-Gomel oblast;

in Ukraine:

-Volynska oblast,

-Lvivska oblast,

-Zakarpatska oblast,

-Rivnenska oblast,

-Ternopilska oblast,

-Ivano-Frankivska oblast.

Each school shall delegate a team, fill in the application form and submit it until 11 May 2017 (schools from Poland to the address of Rzeszow Branch Office of the Programme, schools from Belarus to the address of Brest Branch Office of the Programme, schools from Ukraine to the address of Lviv Branch Office of the Programme).

Based on the evaluation of submitted applications the top-ranked 8 teams will be selected from each country.

Selected teams from each country will be awarded the right to take part in the Final event of the competition, which will be held in September 2017 in Belarus. Each participant will be provided with transport (including visa assistance if applicable), accommodation and catering during the Final event.

Application form   (download)

Rules of participation  (download)

Evaluation grid  (download)

This is the third such a format competition. The previous two turned to be a super venue for youth to show and express themselves, have fun and find new friends while broadening their knowledge about neighbors.

See how it was

In case of any questions, please contact the Branch Offices of the Programme in Rzeszow, Poland (Tel.:+ 48 17 747 66 27, e-mail: ), in Lviv, Ukraine (+38 0322 61 02 59, e-mail: and in Brest, Belarus (+375 162 53 15 83, e-mail:

Postal addresses of Branch Offices:

Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020

Branch Office in Rzeszów

Marshal’s Office of the Podkarpackie Voivodship

6 Poniatowskiego str, 35-026 Rzeszow, Poland


Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020

Branch Office in Lviv

Information and Cross-border Cooperation Support Centre DOBROSUSIDSTVO

5 Tyktora Str., 79007 Lviv, Ukraine


Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020

Branch Office in Brest

Brest Transboundary Infocentre

46 (room 92), Sovetskaya St., 224005 Brest, Belarus

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