Relevant for the Ukrainian public entities
Relevant for the Belarusian beneficiaries and Ukrainian non-public beneficiaries
On 22nd April, we received instructions to go fight the wildfires burning peat bogs and reeds in the Biebrza National Park...
Information for Polish beneficiaries and auditors
The winning stories will be published soon.
Information for auditors
In all matters related to the Programme please contact the JTS staff on 14th of April 2020
We have published materials that have been prepared for trainings on implementation
The document replaces the previous version of the Manual part I
Information for Polish beneficiaries
The implementation of the project was symbolically opened on beginning of August 2019
The JMC of the Programme approved a supplement to Programme Manuals and Guidelines on expenditure verification
We prepared the instruction on filling in the "Minimum checklist for project control"
We have prepared new materials and communication channels
To follow the current epidemic threat and its negative impact on implementation of projects...
All trainings scheduled for March and April are cancelled
They will take place in all three Programme countries
We invite the Beneficiaries of 2nd Call for Proposals to participate in trainings on micro-projects’ implementation.