Cross-border Cooperation Program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014–2020 Logo - back to the main page of the website
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Ankieta PBU in numbers2_sewage projects' map


1. I have noticed that the invoice for the project audit can be paid after the end of project implementation period. Can you confirm that exception?

Yes, it is true that there is a possibility of payment for the audit of the final project report after the implementation period of micro-project.  Beneficiary shall list this expenditure in the final project report along with the expected date of payment. This date may not, however, be longer than 3 months from the date of submission of the final report by the Beneficiary to the JTS. The Beneficiary should describe the expenditure in the list of documents confirming the expenditure, in the "comments" field as "Unpaid expenditure - expected payment date ............".

Using this option, the Beneficiary must provide the JTS with a confirmation of the transfer for the audit within 14 days from the date of actual payment or at the JTS request at an earlier date (at the turn of the accounting year of the Programme). Such a confirmation shall be then sent to MA.

2. Are we obliged to put EU flag and Programme logo on each invoice connected within our project? 

Obligatory information to be put on the invoice is mentioned in 8.2.2 of Programme Manual for the 2nd (and 3rd) Call for Proposals. Invoices are not treated as promotional materials or visibility actions. Visibility guidelines for promotional purposes are available here:

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