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Monitoring Committee

The Monitoring Committee (MC) is the main decision-making body of the Programme composed of two national delegations, consisting of voting members, their deputies, and observers. Based on the topic of the Monitoring Committee’s deliberations, experts may be invited to participate in the meetings (as observers) subject to the approval of the Chairperson of the Monitoring Committee.

The main tasks of the Monitoring Committee:
1.    Approval of the Programme documents (including forms and procedures).
2.    Taking the final decision on the submitted Application Forms (selection for co-financing).
3.    Decision-making processes on the required project changes (where relevant).

Representative of the European Commission participate in MC meetings as advisory body. 

In this section you can find documents related to the establishment, functioning, activities, and decisions of the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg NEXT Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027


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