Іршавська міська рада, Закарпатської області
площа Народна, буд.2
90100 місто Іршава
Zakarpattya Oblast
1.2 Promoting access to water and sustainable water management
body governed by public law
already have partners: НІ
Оксана Меренич
Начальник відділу економічного розвитку та інвестицій Іршавської міської ради
The main idea of our project is to modernize the main and street water supply and sewage networks in our city. The main tasks are: construction and reconstruction of sewage and water supply networks to ensure uninterrupted access to quality drinking water for city residents, including IDPs, as well as modernization of treatment facilities. The centralized network that supplies the majority of the city's population with water is worn out and regularly suffers from accidents. Out of 21.7 km of water supply networks, 10.7 km are in disrepair, which is 49.3%. The entire city's water supply infrastructure was built 50-60 years ago, is physically and morally worn out and has low operational capacity. In addition, the service life of the existing treatment facilities in Irshava has expired. The sanitary, epidemiological and environmental situation is unsatisfactory and needs to be addressed immediately, as untreated wastewater pollutes the environment.
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