Рогатинська міська рада
77001, Івано-Франківська обл., м. Рогатин, вул. Галицька, 65
77001 Рогатин
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
3.1 Enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation
body governed by public law
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Начальник відділу супроводу стратегії розвитку громади виконавчого комітету Рогатинської міської ради
Project name: Creation and arrangement of cultural service centers in the community. Brief description of the project: Culture is as important as good governance, a strong economy or social justice. There are no centers of cultural services in the community. Which would help develop a sense of beauty in young people, reveal the richness and depth of the national experience. Raised young people in the spirit of patriotism and love for their native land. They would be a platform for communication, recreation, organization of mass cultural events and meaningful leisure time for the majority of the community population.
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