Виконавчий комітет Нововолинської міської ради
проспект Дружби, 27, місто Нововолинськ
45400 Нововолинськ
Volyn Oblast
1.1 Promoting climate change adaptation, and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches
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Тетяна Кратюк
начальник відділу проектної діяльності та інвестицій
"Increasing the energy independence of the Novovolynsk territorial community by installing heat pumps at sewage pumping stations" Project objectives: 1.Reduction of heating costs and provision of partial energy independence of the Novovolynsk community; 2.Increasing the stability of the community's energy supply system and minimizing the consequences of possible negative impacts on it, taking into account russia's strikes on strategic energy infrastructure facilities; 3.Reducing the level of emissions of harmful substances into the air and reducing the negative impact on the environment; 4.Creating a precedent for the use of energy-efficient solutions in central heating systems and stimulating the use of such solutions in the future. 5.Addressing concerns about the cost and security of natural gas supplies triggered by the current energy crisis.
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