Виконавчий комітет Нововолинської міської ради
проспект Дружби, 27, місто Нововолинськ
45400 Нововолинськ
Volyn Oblast
1.1 Promoting climate change adaptation, and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches
public administration
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Тетяна Кратюк
начальник відділу проектної діяльності та інвестицій
Ecological passenger transportation through the launch of electric buses in the city of Novovolynsk Project objectives: 1. Reduce the level of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. 2. Establish the prerequisites for achieving climate neutrality and fulfilling obligations to reduce the level of air pollution in the community to implement the conceptual provisions of the "Agreement of Mayors" program. 3. Ensure equal access to transport services for all residents of the community. 4. Reduce the use of non-renewable fuel and energy resources (aiming to reduce diesel fuel consumption by 100 liters daily) and transition to energy-saving technologies in the field of transport services. 5. Expand and develop the network of the city's transport infrastructure, ensure the stability of the functioning of the city's passenger transport, and lay the foundations for the formation of a smart road map for the community. 6. Ensure the provision of social transportation functions.
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