Cross-border Cooperation Program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014–2020 Logo - back to the main page of the website
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Zoria territorial community

Organisation name in national language

Зорянська сільська рада


площа Володимира Плютинського, 1, с. Зоря, Рівненський район, Рівненська область, 35314
35314 с. Зоря





Rivne Oblast


1.2 Promoting access to water and sustainable water management

Legal status of organisation

body governed by public law

Searching partner from:


Name & surname

Alina Laitar

Position/function within the organisation

Начальник відділу документообігу, мобілізаційної роботи та комунікацій з громадськістю




Project idea (in English)

Zoryansk village council strives to implement the principles of state policy on providing consumers with high-quality drinking water in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On drinking water and drinking water supply". Provision of drinking water to the population of the Zoryan territorial community is one of the priority problems, the solution of which is necessary to preserve health, improve working conditions and raise the standard of living of the population. The main tasks for implementing the community water supply improvement plan are: - Construction, repair and reconstruction and expansion of the existing water supply network - Replacement of two water towers and installation of frequency control stations for engine revolutions. - Replacement of outdated energy-consuming submersible pumps with new energy-efficient ones. The ultimate goal arising from the strategic vision of development is the creation of high standards of living for the residents of Zoryansk Territorial Community, provision of work opportunities and well-being.

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