Cross-border Cooperation Program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014–2020 Logo - back to the main page of the website
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Improving cross-border environmental protection system in Księżpol Commune in Poland and in the city of Chervonohrad in Ukraine – through the development of sewerage infrastructure





Project type

Regular project






1.2 Promotion and preservation of natural heritage




Księżpol Commune (Lubelskie Voivodeship, Poland)


Chervonohrad City Council (Lviv Oblast, Ukraine)

TOTAL BUDGET 2 519 146.08 € ENI CO-FUNDING 2 267 231.47 €
DURATION 35 months 01.09.2018 - 31.07.2021

Project description

The Księżpol Commune together with the Tanew River are located in the protected natural area of high value under the “NATURA 2000”. On the other side of the border, the Bug River flows across the territory of Chervonohrad in Ukraine, a city with strong mining and industrial origins. Every year, due to the pollution, the state of water in both rivers is getting worse. The households located in Księżpol lack a sewage system while the wastewater treatment plant in Chervonohrad requires modernization.

The KSICHER project addresses the environmental challenges protecting the natural heritage of the rivers flowing through the cross-border area of Poland and Ukraine. The existing sewage treatment plant in Księżpol will be expanded along with the construction of a sanitary sewage system in nearby villages: Stare Króle, Markowicze, Gliny and Cegielnia-Markowicze. In Chervonohrad, the sewage treatment plant will be modernized, while the accumulated sediments will be reused in the organic fertilizer production and establish green areas within the city. In addition to infrastructural investments, the project includes joint exchange of experience and good practices, common trainings and a public event in the open-air stimulating cooperation between partners in the field of cultural and natural heritage protection. A healthy lifestyle through the use of natural resources for active tourism will be promoted in joint publication and press articles.

The KSICHER will impact positively the natural environment via better wastewater management. The Tanew River will return to its original purity (Class III) and the quality standard of the Bug River water will rise. The project activities shall reduce disparities and even out the living standard in the cross-border area. The visiting tourists and residents will benefit from environmentally valuable areas as a future holiday destination on both sides of the Polish-Ukrainian border.



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