Project type
Regular project
3.1 Support to the development of health protection and social services
Autonomous Public Health Maintenance Organisation Jędrzej Śniadecki Voivodship Polyclinical Hospital in Białystok (Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland)
Minsk Regional Clinical Hospital (Minsk Oblast, Belarus)
Two partnering regions – Białystok and Minsk – are facing difficulties in the diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases as well as the intensive medical care nowadays. The rate of mortality caused by heart and blood circulatory system is extremely high there, more than two times higher, than in the European Union. The main problems defined are the old-dated medical equipment, insufficient knowledge about prophylaxis and not healthy lifestyle.
The CardioMed project will challenge this issue enlarging the treatment base for cardio-vascular diseases. The hospital in Białystok will purchase intensive care equipment (care beds, patient monitoring stations etc.) as well as post-operation devices for different units (surgery, gynaecology, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, neurology, orthopaedics, cardiology, anaesthesiology), but also the computed tomograph (CT) with cardiac device. The Minsk hospital will gain angiography imaging system for hybrid cardio-vascular operations. In the consequence three new quality medical services will be introduced: hybrid operations, intensive care and faster diagnostics with CT use. Finally, the exchange of knowledge between staff during seminars will be provided sharing practice and know-how between Belarusian and Polish doctors on hybrid operations and intensive care. The open events provide local inhabitants with knowledge on prophylaxis of heart and blood circulatory system diseases.
Purchase of the new equipment and improved knowledge of doctors will ensure better medical services on European standard for the residents of Białystok and Minsk. The diagnosis will be conducted faster and the treatment will be more advanced technologically, reducing the disproportion in living conditions on both sides of the Polish-Belarusian border.
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