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The second Call for Proposals has been launched!

01 / 08 / 2018
Category: Programme News

The 2nd Call for Proposals within the ENI CBC Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 has been lunched on 1st August 2018.

The Call is open ONLY for the Thematic Objective HERITAGE within both its priorities:

  1. Promotion of local culture and history and
  2. Promotion and preservation of natural heritage.

The 2nd Call is dedicated to microprojects (projects with small budgets), offering mainly non-investment activities promoting cooperation, building of new cross-border citizens’ contacts and relations, exchange of experiences and social initiatives in connection with local culture and historical and natural heritage. Events related to culture, art, sport, education, promotion of history and natural heritage and all kind of similar events supporting cross-border cooperation will be supported by the Programme, as well as promotion and cultivation of common traditions of the borderland areas, cross-border cooperation between schools and higher education institutions, NGOs touristic and cultural endeavors. Promotion of cultural diversity and minorities and development of local communities will also be targeted through the microprojects.

Range of grants:

The money available in this Call for financing of projects equals to 5,2 mln EUR. The grant value for the project must be within 20 000 and 60 000 EUR.



The deadline for submitting the Application Forms is 31st October 2018 (including this day, for hand deliveries – till 15.00 local time).

The expected date of project selection is mid 2019.

The Application Forms must be submitted using the generator which is avaliable to download on the Programme website.

General requirements for microprojects:

The microprojects shall meet the following conditions:

  • contribute to the Programme and its objectives;
  • contribute to at least one Programme output and the result indicator;
  • have a strong and evident cross-border aspect;
  • have reasonable budget;
  • fulfill the partnership criteria.

All details regarding the rules of this Call are described in the Programme Manual 2nd Call for Proposals (projects with small budgets) which can be downloaded together with all annexes here.  

Before preparing the Application Form, please read all the documents carefully. Their English version are official and binding but the same content for information purposes will be soon available on the Programme website also in national languages.


  • Assessment (administrative, eligibility and quality check) done simultaneously;
  • Short and simple Application Form – no Concept Notes!
  • Lack of AFs’ annexes at the application stage;
  • Simplified costs options - lump sums: staff costs, travels and flate rate (%): administrative costs;
  • Pre-financing - 85% of the EU grant;
  • 1 (Final) report (financial and narrative);
  • Eligibility of Beneficiaries – done after JMC decision.

Support for the Applicants:

Programme website:

  • Instruction for filling in the Application Form,
  • Working translations of the application pack documents (Polish, Russian, Ukrainian languages),
  • Frequently Asked Questions session,

Feedback on questions/doubts:

  • The beneficiaries could receive the written feedback on the requirements of the Call for Proposals by sending e-mail at Questions will be answered at least once a week by a selected group of the Programme experts.

Trainings and individual consultations:

  • Training series in all three countries will be provided from 11th till 28th September. Registration will start soon.
  • The individual consultations for applicants on the project idea and partnership will be organized in October with their registration details provided in September.
  • First Partner Search Forum already took place in Lublin on 25th – 26th July. The second one will be organized in Brest on 21st- 22nd August. Information about the forum is available here.

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