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Final of the Youth Education Campaign

12 / 10 / 2023
Category: Programme News

Representations of 16 schools from Poland and Ukraine took part in the Final of the Youth Education Campaign "Stronger, Healthier - Together!", organised on the occasion of the European Cooperation Day 2023. The final event took place this time in Podlaskie Voivodeship (PL) from 20th to 23rd September.

The finalists were selected from among the representatives of 35 schools which entered the competition in the spring and sent in their qualifying works: films, recipes and posters relating to the theme of the campaign. During the Final, the young people took part in dance, ecology and cooking workshops, working together in mixed Polish-Ukrainian teams. In this way, they not only honed their skills in these areas, but also learned cooperation and the language of their neighbours. These activities resulted in joint final presentations. The students also took part in a quest around Drohiczyn - the former capital of Podlasie - which hosted the finalists.

Another attraction that awaited the participants was a pontoon and canoe trip along the Bug waterway. They also had the opportunity to learn about other results of the BugUnitesUs project: they admired the Bug landscapes from a viewing tower, sailed in a catamaran and visited the Kayak Tourism Centre. They also became acquainted with the results of the BugCuisine and BugGuardians projects at the "Zagubek" Regional Product Promotion Centre and the "Puszczyk" Environmental Education Centre, and visited the expositions of the Bug River Historical and Cultural Park. The intensive day was rounded off with a joint evening with music.

The best teams were presented with their awards by Andrzej Słodki, Head of the Joint Secretariat of the Programme.

He emphasised: the role of young people in building good contacts and cooperation between countries, and their creative potential, which in the future may result in interesting projects serving the development of the borderland.

All participants in the Final received commemorative diplomas and very attractive sets of prizes, and many of them have already announced that they will certainly take part in the next editions.

The educational campaign of our Programme aimed at young people already has a long tradition. Previous finals were held, among others, in Grodno, Lviv and Rzeszów - always in connection with the European Cooperation Day, which is celebrated on 21st September.

We invite you to watch:

Thank you for your active participation and see you in the next campaign which will start in a few months!

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