We encourage you to read the article "Sport, food, cultural heritage: tourist trail along the Bug River", published on the website of the Tesim project (the EU project supporting the implementation of programmes at the external borders of the European Union). You can learn from it, i.a.: why it is better to cooperate than to compete to achieve a goal. The article talks about Drohiczyn (PL), where communities and organizations managed to build effective cooperation, development and promotion based on cultural heritage. The implementation of three PBU projects contributed to this. One of them is the regular project BugUnitesUs, the next two are the micro-projects BugGuardians and BugCuisine. The article highlights the power of local initiatives and cross-border cooperation, showing how a variety of activities attracts visitors.
If you are interested in the history of small communities that create something unique, then this article is worth reading!
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