The JMC of the Programme approved a supplement to Programme Manuals and Guidelines on expenditure verification
Rescuers from Siemiatycki Poviat and Hrodna Oblast for years have been encountering dangers related to ecological disasters...
We prepared the instruction on filling in the "Minimum checklist for project control"
We have prepared new materials and communication channels
To follow the current epidemic threat and its negative impact on implementation of projects...
Arseny and his family live in Lahišyn, a small urban village in Pinsk district...
All trainings scheduled for March and April are cancelled
They will take place in all three Programme countries
The CBCentres project is focused on cultural traditions preservation and cultivation in the involved areas, but as a result, will lead also to tourism development.
“To the rescue. Improvement of accessibility to medical services in emergencies through the cooperation of emergency medical services in the cross-border area of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine” (acronym RESCUE) is a three-side project...
We invite the Beneficiaries of 2nd Call for Proposals to participate in trainings on micro-projects’ implementation.
Ivanka’s first bike was built by her farther...
On 4-5th February we actively participated in the 13th Europe-Ukraine Forum
The project entitled ”Effective coordination of rescue operation in the Ostrołęka-Siedlce subregion and Volyn Oblast” (acronym Coordination) is being implemented under the Thematic Objective SECURITY.
The deadline for submission of CV expires on 16 February
The functions of the Ukrainian National Authority were transferred to the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Let the most attractive photography win!
The motto of 2018 edition was “Education and Employment in Cross-border Regions”