Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS)
The MA has set up the JTS to carry out the practical implementation of the Programme. The JTS shall assist the MA, the JMC and where relevant also the AA in carrying out their respective functions. In particular, the JTS shall inform the potential beneficiaries about funding opportunities under the Programme and shall assist beneficiaries in the project implementation.
The JTS is located in Warsaw, in the state-owned body Center of European Projects (CEP). The relevant arrangements between the MA and the JTS will be formally recorded in writing.
The JTS will be located in the separate unit of CEP which shall be functionally independent from the other unit which is to be involved as the Polish CCP.
The JTS shall employ Polish, Belarusian and Ukrainian experts. The internal structure of the JTS will be set up in the PMCS. Operational management functions and financial management functions shall be organised separately within the JTS.
The costs of JTS functioning shall be covered from the Programme TA budget.
The JTS shall be responsible for performance of the following tasks:
- Supporting the organisation of calls for proposals:
- preparation in cooperation with the MA of model documents for Programme beneficiaries (guidelines, manuals, instructions to binding documents);
- launching calls for proposals;
- receiving and registering application forms of projects;
- carrying out and coordination of administrative, quality and eligibility assessment of application forms;
- contracting impartial external experts for the purpose of assessment of applications and organising, if necessary, meetings of experts;
- preparation of the ranking list;
- informing each applicant about results of assessment of its application form.
- Supporting the work of Programme managing structures and JMC, including:
- preparation of necessary materials, documents, expert opinions and other contribution for meetings of the Programme managing structures;
- drawing up invitations, minutes of meetings and other documents from meetings;
- assistance to MA/JMC in carrying out written procedure in accordance with the RoP of the JMC.
- Providing assistance to applicants and beneficiaries, including:
- providing all information related to the principles of applying for EU co-financing, eligibility of expenditure, project application forms, procedures on granting co-financing for a project, providing assistance and support at each stage of project implementation;
- organisation of necessary trainings, partner search forums, workshops etc.
- Information and promotion of the Programme, including:
- publication and distribution of leaflets and other informational materials promoting the Programme;
- organization of conferences and seminars addressed to applicants and beneficiaries;
- organization of trainings and workshops for beneficiaries;
- maintaining and updating the web site of the Programme;
- dissemination of publications;
- cooperation with media within the scope of informing about the possibility to obtain assistance under the Programme;
- preparation of the annual plan of information and promotion activities of the Programme along with the indicative budget and submitting to the MA the above mentioned plan;
- ensuring that beneficiaries meet Programme visibility requirements (using the Programme logo, the EU flag and the information about ENI co-financing in publications as well as during conferences and other meetings, etc.).
- Communication, information, assistance to the MA in project management and follow-up of the projects implementation including assisting beneficiaries inter alia as follows:
- cooperation with the MA in the process of implementation and use of the electronic system for the purposes of collecting and processing the financial and statistical data concerning Programme and projects;
- preparation of analyses, lists and current reports as well as annual and final reports on the Programme implementation and forwarding them to the MA;
- preparation, management and monitoring of service contracts with BOs (in cooperation with MA financial and paying units);
- monitoring of TA budget funds (e.g. JTS contracts with service providers, usage of funds, reallocations etc);
- preparation of drafts of grant contracts in cooperation with the paying unit, submitting them to the MA for signature and sending them on behalf of the MA to lead beneficiaries in order to sign them and then, if necessary, preparation of annexes to concluded contracts;
- supporting the GoA; formal and financial check on the grounds of adequate checklists of interim and final reports received from beneficiaries as well as sending the verified reports to the paying unit of the MA;
- verifying requests for payments and sending them to the paying unit;
- conducting on-the-spot checks in accordance with the requirements of art. 26 of the IR and monitoring visits in accordance with the requirements of art. 78 of the IR;
- verifying of changes proposed by lead beneficiaries in their projects (both minor and major);
- co-operation with organisations, institutions and networks relevant for meeting the objectives of the Programme;
- informing the MA on the detected irregularities.
6. Keeping all documents related to the project and Programme implementation, in particular documents concerning expenditure and control required for ensuring adequate audit trail.

Very useful

Maybe useful
