The Programme contributes to all of the strategic objectives and to the identified regional needs by financing the implementation of non-commercial projects referring to the following four TOs and related priorities:
TO Heritage aims at preserving and promoting the cultural and historical heritage of the cross border region, strengthening of cultural links and cooperation, improving the region’s image and attractiveness, and increasing the vitality of local communities. Presence of well-maintained cultural and natural heritage objects is closely linked to the development of cross border tourism. Therefore, tourism has been defined as a sector with the highest potential to become one of the main income generating sectors and a growing source of employment and investment, especially in rural areas. To better use the regional heritage and increase the number of incoming and local tourists various cultural and natural sites need improvement and the tourism infrastructure shall be further developed. Support under the two Priorities of this TO will therefore focus on development of cross border cultural, historical and natural potentials, as well as at development of cross border tourism. Priorities will concentrate on improving the physical state of culture and heritage “objects” as well as on “soft” activities. The development of physical infrastructure shall be supported by strengthening contacts and networks among the stakeholders in culture and tourism sectors. In addition, tourism attractiveness and sectoral growth are strongly influenced by the diversity and quality of tourism services, the region’s image and a proper seasonal spread of tourism activities. Therefore activities aiming at promotion and diversification of tourism products will also be covered by this TO.
Support under this TO shall also include financing projects with small budget (PSBs). The minimum single grant value for such project shall not be smaller than 20 000 EUR and it cannot be higher than 60 000 EUR. More details on the PSBs implementation is provided in point 5.3.2 of the JOP.
Implementation of projects within TO Heritage will contribute to Strategic Objective A “Promote economic and social development in regions on both sides of common borders” of ENI CBC.
Priority 1. Promotion of local culture and history
Proposed indicative actions within the priority:
Priority 2. Promotion and preservation of natural heritage
Proposed indicative actions within the priority:
The implementation of Large Infrastructure Project (LIP) related to the modernization of historic architectural objects is also possible under TO Heritage (the list of all LIPs to be financed in the Programme is presented here)
The Programme area is characterized by a weak connectivity and insufficient communication networks and systems which hamper the cross-border contacts and impede transit traffic, and in consequence cripple the region’s attractiveness for investors. Some support was provided to alleviate these deficiencies by the previous CBC programme – the ENPI Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013- nevertheless the needs in this respect remain noticeable. Therefore, the TO shall finance actions related to improvement of transport accessibility, development of environmental-friendly transport, construction and modernization of communication networks and systems and improvement of the informational and communication infrastructure on the Programme area.
Implementation of the TO Accessibility will be complementary to the activities foreseen under TO Heritage through the improvement of the communication and informational accessibility within the tourism sector and access to the cultural and natural heritage sites. The activities planned under TO Accessibility will also be complementary to those implemented under TO Security, as far as access to security/safety services as well as health services is concerned (e.g. shortening of the reaction time of safety/security/health services).
The focus should be on development of local roads offering important cross-border effects and influence. Equally important is to integrate various transport modes and transport operators to make the passenger and cargo transit through the Programme area faster and more customer-oriented. All initiatives and efforts improving transport accessibility shall be based on environmentally friendly solutions.
Comparatively distanced and peripheral locations of many parts of the Programme area hinder the full usage of their potential. The activities carried out within the TO shall improve the connectivity and information flow between regions, concurrently contributing to the economic growth and enhancing socio-economic cohesion of the Programme area. Support under TO Accessibility will contribute to Strategic Objective C “Promotion of better conditions and modalities for ensuring the mobility of persons, goods and capital” of ENI CBC.
Priority 1. Improvement and development of transport services and infrastructure
Proposed indicative actions within the priority:
Priority 2. Development of ICT infrastructure
Proposed indicative actions within the priority:
The implementation of LIPs related to the building/modernization of the transport infrastructure of cross-border importance is also foreseen under TO Accessibility (the list of all LIPs to be financed in the Programme is presented here).
Peripheral border areas are characterised by a low quality of life of their residents, in a number of aspects ranging from difficult material conditions and worse access to the labour market, through the insufficient provision of social infrastructure to the poor access to the health care system.
The implementation of the TO Security shall serve the improvement of the quality of life of the Programme area inhabitants through the facilitation of access to health care system, the counteraction of the spread of diseases across the borders as well as the development of social services and labour market, along with the unemployment minimization. Support under this TO will contribute to Strategic Objective B “Address common challenges in environment, public health, safety and security” of ENI CBC.
Priority 1: Support to the development of health protection and social services
Proposed indicative actions within the priority:
Priority 2: Addressing common security challenges
Proposed indicative actions within the priority:
The implementation of LIPs is also foreseen under TO Security (the list of all LIPs to be financed in the Programme is presented here).
Implementation of this objective shall serve the enhancement of the effectiveness of the border infrastructure and procedures as well as the improvement of border security. The increased throughput capacity of the border crossings and their safety improvement condition the achievement of other Programme’s objectives.
The removal of the administrative, institutional and infrastructural obstacles in the movement of goods, services and people through the borders are the conditions of the full usage and enlargement of the socio-economic potential of the Programme area. Under TO Border, activities supporting transparency and effectiveness of customs and border clearance procedures will be supported. The aim of these activities is the acceleration of the procedures and their expected effect – the faster and safer border crossing.
The activities related to the prevention and combating of illegal migration and smuggling, fight against organized crime as well as counteraction and elimination of illegal trade of rare and endangered species will be financed under TO Borders. Moreover, the actions devoted to local border traffic as well as the border services will be supported under this objective. Support under this TO will contribute to Strategic Objective C “Promotion of better conditions and modalities for ensuring the mobility of persons, goods and capital” of ENI CBC.
Priority 1: Support to border efficiency and security
Proposed indicative actions within the priority:
Priority 2: Improvement of border management operations, customs and visas procedures
Proposed indicative actions within the priority:
The implementation of LIPs related to the modernization of the border crossing infrastructure is foreseen under TO Borders (the list of all LIPs to be financed in the Programme is presented here).
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